It’s like having a baby. Lots of work, but worth it, because it’s YOURS. Last night we had our first. We had a blast, and so did the audience. After a 5 minute standing ovation when Jim Akins announced, “We…
Self Governing Orchestra?
This letter was posted, apparently anonymously, on Symphony Strong. Concerning the difficulties the CSO has had with the board- In England the London Symphony Orchestra, one of the great ones of the world, was started in the 20’s or so…
Excitement and Nervousness
I am excited to be performing some concerts today, Friday July 11, and tomorrow, July 12. Yet I am also unusually nervous and anxious. Why should I be? I know the music I am about to play and have performed…
The Most Important Concert Yet
This Saturday, you can show that you want your orchestra back! All the information you need for the concerts is HERE. We need volunteers to sell tickets and usher for the Saturday evening concert. Please contact Donna Gerhold at…
Musicians Concerts this Weekend
Several folks have inquired regarding details of this weekend’s concerts by musicians of the Columbus Symphony. If you don’t have time to read my passionate philosophical explorations 🙂 on the implications of the phrase “musicians concerts”, all the information you…
Valerie Gibbs letter to WACSO
I met Valerie and John Gibbs at my home recital in May. They have shown a great deal of passion and determination to help the musicians of the Columbus Symphony continue to make music. And they have sought to keep…