Hello- Please go over to my friend Marion Harrington’s blog to see the second post in my guest post series on Flow Breathing and a Path to Peak Mastery. This part details the Alexander Technique, a tool for developing self-awareness.…
“Discovering music’s ability to create metaphor – and enchantment.” – Rebirth: The Future of Classical Music
Check out the discussion over at “Rebirth: Future of Classical Music”. The comment quoted below is a great idea to help listeners connect with the “experience” of classical music, by blurring the sacrosanct “rules” of traditional performances. I am all…
Nature, Music and Metaphor as Message
Image Credit To be a great performer and interpreter of music, one thing is certain; you must be a guru of patience. Patience is intended broadly here, covering both physical patience (self-awareness) and mental patience (attitude). When I saw the…
Sunday Music Poem: Sonnet- I am in need of music
Sonnet, by Elizabeth Bishop, from the collection Music’s Spell, edited by Emily Fragos. A lovely, if not terribly original, sonnet. It merits reading out loud, to hear and feel the delicate rhythmic sounds of the words as they flow from…
Debussy Clarinet Rhapsodie, live performance, Jun 18, 2010
Enjoy. Ahlin Min, piano. David Thomas, clarinet. For those interested, I’m playing a Richard Hawkins B model with a Legere Signature 4.25
When audiences feel like participants, you can program contemporary music.
This comment by Gretchen Statthoff appeared on another comment post “How much theory is too much for an audience?” A valuable addition to the discussion of connecting classical music audiences to the music we perform for them: Hi David, I…