Video: Tips and Tricks for playing the Mendelssohn Scherzo 1st Clarinet Part

A 12 minute, fast-tonguing clarinet lesson, introducing various techniques and tricks for playing the most difficult clarinet passages in: Hector Berlioz "Nuits D'Été: L'Ile Inconnue"; and Felix Mendelssohn Scherzo, from his Incidental Music to the Midsummer Night's Dream.

I demonstrate each passage using a combination of single and/or double-tonguing, with an occasional "hu" articulation. Using the "hu" articulation in certain spots is an unusual, but effective, way to help speed up and lighten single tonguing.

These orchestral excerpts are among the most difficult classical music to perform well, and the Scherzo is required on virtually every clarinet audition list.

Enjoy. (Below is a PDF of the difficult lick from Berlioz Nuit D'Été. I will post the Mendelssohn Scherzo excerpt in a few days.)

Berlioz clarinet articulation excerpt

Berlios Nuite D'Ete, L'Ile Inconnu